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Temescal Valley Little League

TOC / All Stars Event Information

The Future Stars Tournament
Hosted by Temescal Valley Little League

  • Baseballs are provided as part of the registration
Tournament Rules
  • Double Elimination
  • Home Team will be decided by a coin flip after the first round; the higher seed calls the flip.
  • Coin flip, team shall arrive at the playing field at least 60 minutes prior to game time. Coin flip will determine the Home and Visiting teams. Managers not at the check-in table will forfeit the coin flip.
  • League Age 7-8 Player (please bring birth certificates- copies accepted)
  • Everyone will play 2 games
  • TOC Rules- For Base Running (Home Plate Locked when ball is played into the infield)
  • No stealing of Home Plate
  • Pitching Rules- Same as Season
    • 40 Pitches = No Catching
    • Normal Count/ Days Rest Chart
    • *Know your players pitch count! Different tournaments may be running closely together, but they still all fall under Little League regulations.*
  • Catching Rules- Same as Season
    • Any part of 4th inning = no pitching
  • Continuous lineup- standard minimum play rules
  • Game Times: 1:30 No New Inning (No DROP DEAD complete the final inning if it starts.)
  • Max 3 Coaches allowed in Dugout/Field
  • Championship game will be played to conclusion (4 innings)
  • 5 run max first 3 innings.
  • No score limit in-declared open inning. 4th or 3rd depending on game time.
    • One time through the lineup maximum.
  • Tie games will be played as an open inning with a runner starting on second (last out batter) until there is an outright winner.
  • Designated Home Team must supply a scorekeeper.
  • Designated Visitor must supply a pitch counter.
  • Scorebooks Pitch Logs will be provided by TVLL and kept in the Snack Bar between games.
  • TVLL Board will serve as final protest committee

*Note: All other AA Rules from D72 TOC will apply. General season approach to all games. Let’s use logical reasoning for all scenarios!

All Stars / TOC
Hosted by District 72

  • Bring all necessary forms when you check in.
Volunteer Certifications:

All Managers, Coaches, Administrators, and Sports Officials must complete specific training and certifications before engaging with players. This includes:

Additionally, Little League International requires the JDP background check for all volunteers. Some of these requirements should have been fulfilled before the season started. Please ensure compliance to avoid any disruptions.

All of these will be required in your ALL-STAR binders. *KEEP YOUR DOCUMENTS! They can be used for future seasons*

  1. Baseballs: Please make sure the teams are arriving to the games with the correct baseballs (RS-T) in hand.
  2. Manager must have scorekeepers, pitch counters, and announcers picked prior to arriving at check in. To limit delays, Managers should check in 1 hour before game time.
  3. Scorekeepers/pitch counting are to be seated at the scorekeepers table we have assigned. NO - they cannot sit in the stands. NO - family or friends cannot sit with them in the booth! (Please see the staff if their kids require accommodation). We will accommodate as best as we can. We need everyone to pay close attention to the game to prevent any issues from arising.
  4. KEEP PARENTS AWAY FROM THE SCOREBOX AND THE DUGOUTS While the situation has improved, we still observe people approaching the dugouts to talk to players, coaches, or managers. If this behavior continues, we may issue a warning to the individual involved. Alternatively, we will just eject a coach or manager for their fans not following this simple rule.
  5. Players MUST remain in the dugout unless they are heading to and from the restroom. Managers must also notify the umpire if they have a player or coach going to exit the game for a restroom break. No, this does not include a quick stop to talk to friends or family in the stands.
  6. Absolutely NO food in the dugout
  7. Eye Black: Recently, some players have been wearing excessive eye black. A few years ago, LLI implemented restrictions for televised games, allowing only a single line under the eyes. While our games are not televised, we will also limit to a single line under the eyes.

Please check District 72 Site for up-to-date information

Forms and Documentation

  • PROOF OF AGE: ORIGINAL CERTIFIED COPY of your Birth Certificate; NOTE – California Birth Certificates CANNOT be abstracts

  • PROOF OF RESIDENCY: The easiest proof is to use the School Enrollment Form from a school within Temescal Valley Baseball boundaries. The other option is to use Little Leagues Residency Checklist.  Little League official Residency Requirements.

  • MEDICAL RELEASE FORM: – It is a requirement to submit this information to Temescal Valley Little League ASAP. Please do not wait until the last minute or your child may not be able to play.

  • Previous year All-Stars players: Players are able to use the previous year FULLY INTACT (no removed papers) players packet with all the previously provided information.

  • Parent Code of Conduct: Holding Parents, Families, and Fans Accountable for their behavior

  • Coaches Code of Conduct

  • Players Code of Conduct

  • Media Release Waiver: Printable copy of media release waiver.  This waiver is mandatory and agreed to during the registration process. 

    **Opt-Out** I retain the right to request the removal of any specific photograph, voice recording, or video by submitting a written request to [email protected]. TVLL will honor such requests unless the TVLL Board determines that removal would negatively impact the League.

Temescal Valley Little League

11762 De Palma Rd. Ste 1-C #567 
Corona, California 92883
Phone : 951-356-0416
Email : [email protected]
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