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Temescal Valley Little League

Weather Safety Guidelines

Weather Related Player Safety

At TVLL, the safety and well-being of our players is our top priority. Throughout the baseball season, we may face a variety of weather conditions that require extra precautions to ensure everyone’s safety. Remember, extreme weather conditions—whether heat, poor air quality, or storms—can pose serious health risks. Let’s work together to keep our players safe and healthy.

  • Hot Weather: Practices and games will be suspended if temperatures reach 100°F (38°C) or higher. Coaches and parents should also monitor the heat index and humidity, using discretion when deciding to proceed with outdoor activities.
      Heat Guidelines for Staying Safe:
      • Hydration! Encourage players to drink at least eight (8) ounces of water or sports drinks every 15 minutes.
      • Regular breaks in shaded areas are essential.
      • Clothing should be light weight and loose fitting.
      • Monitor your players. Some may be more susceptible to heat than others.
      • as heat-related injuries are some of the easiest to prevent. Whether it's dry heat or high humidity, if a player is thirsty, it's already a sign of dehydration. Always prioritize safety during hot weather.

  • Sun: Exposure to extreme or long exposure to sunlight can be harmful to the skin. Beyond the pain of sunburn, repeated instances increase the risk of developing skin cancer. The Sun Protection Factor (SPF) of sunscreen indicates how much longer it takes for skin damage to occur. Encourage parents to protect their children by applying sunscreen before games or practices, even under uniforms. Sunscreen should be reapplied regularly, especially on the arms and face, as sweat can reduce its effectiveness.
    • Sun Guidelines for Staying Safe:
      • Hydration! Encourage players to drink at least eight (8) ounces of water or sports drinks every 15 minutes.
      • Regular breaks in shaded areas are essential.
      • Clothing should be light weight and loose fitting.
      • Monitor your players. Some may be more susceptible to heat than others.
      • as heat-related injuries are some of the easiest to prevent. Whether it's dry heat or high humidity, if a player is thirsty, it's already a sign of dehydration. Always prioritize safety during hot weather.

  • Rain, Thunder & Lightning: For safety during rain, assess field conditions and avoid playing on wet or slippery surfaces. In the event of lightning, all outdoor activities must stop immediately, and everyone should seek shelter. Games and practices should not resume until 30 minutes after the last lightning strike is observed.
    • Rain & Storm Guidelines for Staying Safe:
      • Hydration! Encourage players to drink at least eight (8) ounces of water or sports drinks every 15 minutes.
      • Regular breaks in shaded areas are essential.
      • Clothing should be light weight and loose fitting.
      • Monitor your players. Some may be more susceptible to heat than others.
      • as heat-related injuries are some of the easiest to prevent. Whether it's dry heat or high humidity, if a player is thirsty, it's already a sign of dehydration. Always prioritize safety during hot weather.

  • Poor Air Quality & Fires: In cases of poor air quality, such as during nearby fires, it is important to monitor air quality reports and consider moving activities indoors or rescheduling. If air quality is poor, please err on the side of caution for the health of our players.
      AQI Guidelines for Staying Safe:

      See the below AQI value (PM 2.5, PM 10, O3, CO, NO2) guidelines:

      • 201 and above (Very unhealthy): All games and practices cancelled.
      • 151-200 (Unhealthy):All games and practices cancelled.
      • 101-150 (Unhealthy for sensitive groups):: All games and practices cancelled. Practices are allowed but managers are to warn parents and players that if they belong to the "sensitive groups", they should tell their managers that they cannot participate in strenuous activity or games.  Games are allowed and pool players should be used for teams that cannot field the required number of players to start a game. 
      • 100 and below (Moderate/Good): All activities are allowed.

Overall Game & Practice Safety Guidelines:
  • Stay Informed & Conduct Pre-Activity Checks: Before any game or practice, coaches should assess current and forecasted weather conditions, and check the playing field for safety, especially after rain.
  • Communication Plan: Keep communication channels open. TVLL, managers, coaches, and parents should be aware of any schedule changes or cancellations due to weather. Use reliable methods (e.g., team messaging apps, email, league website) for immediate updates.
  • Player Awareness: Educate players about weather-related risks and how to recognize signs of heat stress, dehydration, or other health concerns. Players should feel comfortable reporting any discomfort.
  • Emergency Preparedness: We encourage all volunteers and parents to be trained in basic first aid, particularly in recognizing and responding to heat or other weather-related illnesses as well as other minor injuries seen in sports.
  • Prioritize Safety: Use discretion to cancel, reschedule, or move events indoors if necessary.

Air Quality Index

*AirNow updated hourly*
**Be sure to pay attention to Forcasted AQI vs Current AQI as they can be drastically different**

*PurpleAir live AQI map*

Additional Information from links below:
Temescal Valley Air Quality | 
Fire and Smoke Map

National Weather Service Alerts

Temescal Valley Weather Alerts

Temescal Valley Little League

11762 De Palma Rd. Ste 1-C #567 
Corona, California 92883
Phone : 951-356-0416
Email : [email protected]
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